Trégor, France

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For me, a city-dweller, the world of small farmers was completely foreign. How could I report on something that I knew nothing about?
I jumped into the project nonetheless without any preconceived ideas and with much curiosity.
At first the project surprised them, then it interested them, and finally they became passionate about it. They really took a big part in it.
I was charmed by the way they welcomed me, by their kindness, their generosity and by their enthusiasm for a job that they would never quit.
Everywhere I went I was treated magnificently (coffee, cider, and even meals…) and my work was often prepared and facilitated.
I became aware of their difficulties, their occasional battles and their working conditions: permanently on call, seven days a week, almost round the clock. When a cow calves in the middle of the night, the farmer has to be there. Few holidays if any, on condition of finding a replacement, highly unstable earnings, scarce grant aid and a need to resort to loans to remain competitive.
Life in step with nature, following the rhythm of the seasons, fourteen to sixteen hours a day in Summer, a little less in Winter.

But times have changed and the way of working has changed as well. Machines have replaced horses, and even replaced men in some cases. It is a pity that money and profitability are now more important than solidarity, conviviality and even sometimes quality.

Highlighting the farmers of Trégor will of course never have the same impact as a war documentary, but reporting on the world also means showing ordinary people, their lives, their work and their difficulties.

You have to reach out to them, listen to them and show an interest in what they do. We bring recognition of their work and bestow upon it the value that it is worth. In exchange they teach us humility and bring us their knowledge of a little-known world.

All things merit observation and documentation.
Michèle Misan

Photographs by MISAN Michèle
2013 - 2014