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On the African continent, LGBT, severely punished by their relatives, face a daily struggle against taboos and are victims of physical and psychological violence. In Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, despite different legislations, revealing one’s homosexuality or transidentity condemns to social isolation. For Yoweri Museveni, the Ugandan president, they are ekifire, ”half-dead”, as he called them during a rally welcoming the advent of an anti-gay law.

”I work with human beings who play their lives not during an event which would end, sooner or later, but whose existence is presented by homophobic litanies as a divine fault, a moral burden for society. The crime is not about what they do but what they are. How can you really feel the challenge of such a life if you don’t live it yourself?

Attached to a subject whose closure I reject, my mind intertwines the good conscience of the enlightened witness with the bad one of one who knows that he will not make the trip to the end. I have filled a Danaides’ barrel with questions and doubts. The initial questions still remain.

photographs by Frédéric NOY

From 09/01/2020 to 15/03/2020
34 boulevard de la Libération

Opening hours : Tuesday to Friday from 9h to 12h and from 14h to 18h
Phone : 06 80 00 90 60