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La Sclérose en plaques (SEP), une des premières causes de handicap chez l’adulte jeune, et une maladie neurologique dégénérative qui entraine un trouble de la conduction de l’influx nerveux. Cette maladie est encore peu connue du grand public et reste un problème de santé publique. La Sclérose en plaques (SEP) : c’est 80 000 malades en France. 2000 nouveaux cas tous les ans. 2/3 des malades sont des femmes. 1ere cause de handicap chez les jeunes. C’est la vie qui bascule du jour au lendemain. voici le témoignage de Brigitte D sur cette lutte permanente pour exister. A la naissance de son enfant. Il y a trois ans, elle perd l’usage de ses jambes. Aujourd’hui, il s’agit pour elle, de surmonter l’inacceptable de sa maladie. C’est l’individu face à lui même, seul face à la peur, l’angoisse que génère les prises de conscience. Quoi faire et comment transformer, transmettre, la maturité qui remplit son être par la connaissance de l’expérience. Comment dompter sa révolte devant les préjugés véhiculés par la peur, comment se dominer face à l’injustice, et se sentir du jour au lendemain différent de l’autre et tranquillement exclue par la société. Associations : Unisep, Arsep, Nafsep, l’association des paralysés de France, La ligue Française contre la sclérose en plaques, Le club Francophone de la sclérose en plaques.
From the work done with Brigitte D.
The MS ”Multiple Sclerosis” one of the first cause of handicap among the young adults, is a neurological ”dégénérative ” disease that cause a trouble of the conductivity of the nervous infllux. This disease is still yet not very well know from the public and stay a problem of public health. The MS ”Multiple Sclerosis”, it’s : 80 000 patients in France, 2 000 new cases each year 2/3 of the patients are women. Is the first cause of handicap for the youth It’s also life that suddenly tumbles down Here is the testimony of Brigittte D. on this permanent struggle for life. As she gave birth to her third child, 14 years ago, Brigitte D. contracted her first crisis. Three years ago, she lost the use of her legs, and started suffering from violent quivers For today, it is a matter for her to overcome the unacceptable facts of her disease which is still evolving. It is the individual facing itself, alone facing fear and anguish provoqued by the consciousness of the inescapable reality What to do, how to transform, and how to transmit the maturity that fill her being by the knoledge of her experience ? How to put down her revolt in front of the prejudices spread by fear among the other people, and how to control herself in front of the injustice while all of a sudden being different from the others and slowly being considered as an exile by the society with the placard of ”handicapped person” wraped around the neck and the denial of her individuality ? Organisations : Unisep, Arsep, Nafsep, l’association des paralyses de France, La ligue Française contre la sclérose en plaques, Le club Francophone de la scl�rose en plaques. Work with Brigitte D. The Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a leading cause of disability among young adults and a degenerative neurological disease that causes a disorder in the conduction of nerve impulses. The disease is still largely unknown to the general public and remains a public health problem. The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is 80 000 patients in France. 2000 new cases every year. 2 / 3 of patients are women. 1st cause of disability among young people. That’s life that rocks up overnight. Here is the testimony of Brigitte D on the struggle for existence. At the birth of his child. Three years ago, she lost the use of his legs. Today, it is for her to overcome her illness unacceptable. It is the individual face himself, alone with fear, anxiety that the gnre awareness. What to do and how to transform, transmit, the maturity that fulfills its tre by the knowledge of the ‘exprience. How to tame its rvolte before prjugs vehicles in fear, how to dominate linjustice face and feel of a sudden different from each other and quietly excluded by the company t. Associations: Unisep, ARSEP, Nafsep, Association of paralyss de France, La Franaise league against the sclrose plate, the club of French in slabs sclerose.