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Paolo Verzone went to Yemen in March 2009 to document the situation of the Somalian refugees. Leaving a country devastated by civil war and horror inflicted by the war lords, Somalian people are hundreds to cross the Gulf of Aden towards Yemen. The crossing is 30 km long, but precarious sailing conditions force Yemenite coast guards to watch this area where they also fight piracy. The refugees’ suffering has just begun when they have reached Aden. They are lead to a first reception centre in the Karaz camp before going to the Aden suburb, in Basaten district, or to UNCHR centre (United Nations Refugee Agency) of Sanaa. During the new registration process -organized by the Yemen government and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and funded by the European Union, refugees are provided with a certificate of their legal status in the country valid for six months, until their permanent documents are ready. Refugees leave their old ID cards, fill out the forms, have their photographs taken and their finger prints scanned into a computer. Within 20 minutes, they receive their initial registration documents for the next six months, and are protected from extradition, and have access to health care as well as legal and humanitarian support.