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En 2008, j’ai réalisé un reportage sur le Samu-social de Bucarest en Roumanie. Ce pays a beau avoir rejoint l’Union européenne en 2007, la transition socio-économique de ces dernières années a fait bien des dégâts et beaucoup de gens sont devenus vulnérables au point de perdre leur emploi et leur logement. Le Samu social de Bucarest fut crée en 2004. C’est la seule organisation roumaine à offrir une aide d’urgence aux personnes sans abri. Les estimations officielles font état de 15000 SDF dans toute la Roumanie, dont 5000 à Bucarest. Près de 3000 personnes meurent chaque année dans la rue.
The emergency medical service of Bucarest, in Romania
In 2008, I did a report on the emergency department of a Romanian hospital in Bucharest. Even though Romania joined the EU in 2007, the socio-economic transition of the past few years has caused great damage. Many of people are vulnerable and have lost their jobs and homes. The hospital’s emergency department was created in 2004. It is the only Romanian organisation to offer emergency help to homeless people. Official figures state that of the 15 000 homeless in Romania, 5 000 are in Bucharest alone. Each year, around 3 000 people die on the streets.
Caption: A homeless person asking the emergency department for food.
The emergency medical service of Bucarest, in Romania
In 2008, I did a report on the emergency department of a Romanian hospital in Bucharest. Even though Romania joined the EU in 2007, the socio-economic transition of the past few years has caused great damage. Many of people are vulnerable and have lost their jobs and homes. The hospital’s emergency department was created in 2004. It is the only Romanian organisation to offer emergency help to homeless people. Official figures state that of the 15 000 homeless in Romania, 5 000 are in Bucharest alone. Each year, around 3 000 people die on the streets.
Caption: A homeless person asking the emergency department for food.