Le Lesotho


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Un royaume au coeur de l’Afrique du Sud. 909 Km de frontières, 2 millions d’habitants, dont 30 % atteints du Sida, moyenne d’âge = 20 ans, 45 % de chômage. Le Lesotho m’a conquis lors d’un premier voyage, j’y ai découvert des paysages époustouflants, un peuple enrichissant, simple, vrai et émouvant avec leurs traditions ancestrales, pourtant en voie d’extinction. Avant la dispersion et la disparition de cette culture, pour causes de Sida et de manque de travail, l’objectif est d’approfondir et d’immortaliser toute cette beauté en un reportage documentaire afin de mieux comprendre encore les difficultés d’un pays éblouissant.  


This magical kingdom in the sky is also referred to as the Switzerland of Africa. Having grown up in Switzerland, I was compelled to visit this tiny nation. I was immediately seduced by the charm of this stunning country and its people. Sadly, 35 per cent of Lesotho’s population is affected by AIDS. Many men leave to find employment in South Africa. Landlocked by South Africa, this country and its culture are slowly dying out. I feel that it is my duty to return to this breathtaking pocket of the world to document it in its entirety. Only by capturing its essence on film will I do justice to the country and its people. I am currently seeking funding for this project. (More can be seen on www.ginavanhoof.com).

Support : Cherche soutien pour continuer
Country : Lesotho
Place : Maleala

Number of photos : 20