Jorge Daniel LIPORACE
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Las fotos de este reportaje nacieron de un ensayo más cercano a lo fragmentario de la mirada que a lo testimonial, el trabajo duró dos años y atravesó por profundos períodos de angustias, alegrías y cuestionamientos personales. ¿Para qué sirve un puñado de fotos psiquiátricas? ¿Son acaso algo más que la destilación de cierto espíritu mesiánico deudor de una moral judeocristiana? ¿Qué le importan a una mujer arrasada por la esquizofrenia las bondades de una fotografía bien compuesta? ¿Todo es inútil?
Colony of Pictures
The Freire Psychiatric Colony is a public hospital of mental health situated in the small city of Oliveros, at Santa Fe Province, in Argentina. Depending on the time of the year almost 400 patients live at the colony who are distributed in ten different sections, according to their clinic status and sex.
The pictures in this article had their origin mostly on the fragmentary nature of a look rather than on testimonial intentions. The whole work lasted 2 years and within this time it went through profound periods of anguish, happiness and personal questions. What is the purpose of a bunch of psychiatric pictures? Could they ever be something else than the impulses of certain messianic spirit and its Christian morality debt? What does a woman devastated by schizophrenia care about the virtues of a well composed photograph? Is everything useless?