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Stunning portraits and stories. Two exhibitions planned at the Galerie Joseph (Paris 3) from October 9 to November 2, 2019 and at the Espace Saint-Rémi in Bordeaux from November 9 to November 27, 2019. Photographs and texts by Denis Rouvre, foreword by Dr. Denis Mukwege. At the initiative of the Médecins du Monde, photographer Denis Rouvre presents about sixty portraits and stories of women who had suffered physical, moral or institutional violence. Syrian and South Sudanese refugees, migrants, survivors of rape used as a weapon of war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, etc., they are fleeing a zone of conflict, fighting against the established social order and have no choice but to continue. In his foreword, the famous Dr. Denis Mukwege nicknamed ”the man who repairs women,” gynecologist committed against genital mutilation, explains his approach alongside the Médecins du Monde as part of the program ”Unsung Heroes”. With this book and these exhibitions, the Médecins du Monde expand their plea for women’s and adolescent girls’ rights, particularly concerning their sexual and reproductive rights.
Denis Rouvre, born in 1967, is a photographer specialized in portraiture. In 2012, he received the third World Press Award for his series of portraits of survivors of the Tsunami and in 2012 the second World Press Award for his Sumo series.