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1. Name

Pour Que l’Esprit Vive is a non-profit association created in 1932, recognized as being of public utility (Law 1901), located at 7, rue Guillaume Bertrand, 75011 Paris – France.
SIRET number : 42542372700034
Contact by email:
By phone: 01 42 74 26 36 / 01 81 80 03 66
Last updated on: November 24, 2020.
The SOPHOT Website is a place of information and meetings, intended to promote the reports made by photographers on a social or environmental issue and thus promote a collective awareness.

2. Publisher is published by the association Pour Que l’Esprit Vivre – 7, rue Guillaume Bertrand, 75011 Paris – France.

3. Hosting

Hosting company: 1&1 Internet SARL – France

4. Contact

By telephone: 01 42 74 26 36 / 01 81 80 03 66
By the “Contact” form on the website:
By email:

5. Director of Publication

Christian Predovic – 7, rue Guillaume Bertrand, 75011 Paris – France

6. Intellectual Property

The SOPHOT site is the property of the association Pour Que l’Esprit Vive. 
All elements of the Website (texts, comments, works, illustrations and images, whether visual or sound) are protected by copyright worldwide. They are the exclusive property of each member photographer. Consequently, they may not be reproduced, exploited or used for any purpose whatsoever, without their prior authorization.

7. Data processing and liberties

The website is registered with the CNIL and has the following registration number: 2118638 v 0
The information collected is processed by computer to raise awareness of social and environmental issues around the world. The exclusive recipient of its data is the SOPHOT site.
In accordance with the law “Informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by accessing your photographer account directly or by sending us a letter to : SOPHOT – 7, rue Guillaume Bertrand, 75011 Paris – France.
By phone : 01 42 74 26 36 / 01 81 80 03 66
By the “Contact” form on the site:, or by email:
You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.

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This website has been created by the company NET SEO.