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Since 2001, a new generation of artists has emerged in Afghanistan, after 20 years of wars and a Taliban regime hostile to artistic forms and cultural practices. However, the context of restored peace quickly shifted to the one of growing insecurity: in Kabul, like in other cities of the country, the Taliban make fear reign once again. The numerous attacks have as particular target cultural places; artists are often threatened. The latter, however, chose not to be silent.

The exhibition ”Kharmohra” presents about sixty of the most original and representative works of this young generation of artists who are working or have worked in this context. Through photographs, paintings, videos, installations, calligraphy and storytelling, it allows us to see and hear the strange and complex dialogue developing between these artists, men and women, and a situation of permanent insecurity.

Each in their own way, they are expressing the horror of the attacks and of death omnipresent in public space. Each in their own way, they tell their daily lives on a territory which has become hostile to its inhabitants with its security walls, barbed wire, blocked roads and other checkpoints. Refusing the oppression and the control of the mores of a traditional society in total offset with their thirst for freedom, they are provoking and resisting. Not without humor, they are echoing the aspirations of an entire country in search of peace and security always promised and never achieved.

photographs by Farzana WAHIDY, Morteza HERATI

From 22/11/2019 to 01/03/2020
7 promenade Robert Laffont

Opening hours : Every day except Tuesday from 11am to 6pm.
Phone : 04 84 35 13 13