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iffany Fairey & Anna Blachman created PhotoVoice five years ago. One went to Nepal, the other to Cambodia. This is how it all began.
They gave cameras to child refugees and to street children. They taught them how to use them and made them understand that choosing a subject was itself a language, a way of asserting who they were.
Now, in the use of a camera, they have a voice to be heard and listened to, a “PhotoVoice” to echoe throughout the world.
In support of PhotoVoice, I join my voice to those of Robert Delpire and of Michel Christolhomme, in the organisation of a charity internet auction of photographs taken by all those who listen to the PhotoVoices and who, like us, intend to help them.
Sarah Moon
From 07/12/2005 to 18/02/2006
Galerie FAIT & CAUSE
58 rue Quincampoix
75004 Paris
Opening hours : du mardi au samedi, de 13.30 à 18.30 heures
Phone : 01 42 74 26 36