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A work produced as part of the collective project “France14”, in which each of the 14 participating photographers proposed his own vision of the country. I decided not to choose a subject, but instead to simply wander, to get lost in France and then find myself again. One place to the next, I found I kept returning to the same sites: these residential or commercial areas on the outskirts of town. It became obvious that this was where I needed to work, partly in reaction, no doubt, to what I could see everywhere: urban sprawl, the symptoms of an individualistic, consumerist and surveillance-obsessed society. Living areas were standardised and conditioned; everything looked the same and nothing served as a point of orientation; nothing, that is, except for the signs, signals and obstacles placed everywhere to the point of saturation. And in this often dead-end environment, the question of existence became sharper and more pointed. It commanded one’s attention. Describe nothing – erase all reference points – from the moment of the shot. Attempt to represent the essential. And, no matter which site, no matter which subject, elicit from each image its underlying strangeness.
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Pour Que l’Esprit Vive,
Association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique
Siège social
20 rue Lalande,
75014 Paris – France