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I’m 22 years old. One day, when my life is behind me and my memory nothing more than a gallery of recollections from a life, I will die. When this day comes, I hope I recall that in accepting death, we are giving ourselves the chance to live right up until the end. Certain individuals strive to ensure that others have this chance and can reach the end of their lives with dignity, living every moment to the fullest rather than resigning themselves to death. Others devote themselves professionally to giving everyone this chance. The latter staff hospices: hospitals which administer palliative care to the dying but remain insufficiently known. Eschewing tearful sentiment and exaggerated compassion, hospice staff endeavour on a daily basis to make the final period of a life as serene as possible. I met the staff of the Maison Médicale Jeanne Garnier and in this place dedicated entirely to palliative care.
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Association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique
Siège social
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75014 Paris – France