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the borders of the city at the dawn of the Grand Paris. " I am on my first "door", I find myself in front of my own social inventory, why am I here? Who are they? How to make the turn. Paris is so far and more than ten years, the most visited city in the world. Of course, many tourists rush to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysées … But we will not see car filled with tourists on the "other" Paris, that of the nearby suburbs. This backed by its Paris ring road, like a belt, it contains the city, oppression or releases the next door, sometimes it buries itself, and leaves room for alleys, parks … But life there, has this scent is only half of Paris, this is no longer the city of lights, but the housing, land sports academics, business areas, areas port, excessive shopping, sports complexes … This no-man’s land should disappear in the coming decades, Paris grows, as in the last century, and as the century that preceded it … Its cities are likely to become peripheral neighborhoods, as Belleville is a city … How do we turn? For today we have the device, this road to 6 or 8 channels, which defined the boundary and master if we are intramural or not … It is also the Paris that those who are struggling to create, to move forward to build the glorious Paris which opens to the rest of France, the Paris of all social classes, all colors, all traditions … It is often also a Paris empty, surprisingly calm in comparison to the rest of the city … Around in circles, without tiring.
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Pour Que l’Esprit Vive,
Association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique
Siège social
20 rue Lalande,
75014 Paris – France