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Paris, hiver 2014
THE HANDS OF THE BEGGING Men and women remain seated, motionless for hours in the street ; Motionless, lips closed and downcast eyes. They beg. In the majority of the cases, either through guilt, or in judgment, the passers-by avoid them or ignore them. Rare are there exchanges of looks or words. For those who break these usual rules of our societies, sometimes the looks exchanged remain difficult ; Sometimes the words remaining thought useless. The philanthropy focuses then on what is perceived as the essential contact point : hands. Anonymous, these hands beg chastely. Humbly, they authorize anonymous charity.
Paris, winter 2014
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Pour Que l’Esprit Vive,
Association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique
Siège social
20 rue Lalande,
75014 Paris – France