Helen Margaret GIOVANELLO
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Night Commuters : des centaines d’enfants afin de ne pas être kidnappé par les rebelles du LRA, marche des longues distances à la tombé de la nuit pour chercher protection. Entre 8.500 et 11,000 enfants laissent leurs villages pour aller dormir dans la petite ville de Gulu. Night commuters:
Thousands of children to avoid being abducted by the LRA rebels, walk long distances at night to shelter in the safety. It is estimated that some 8,500 to 11,000 children commute every night from their villages to stay overnight only in Gulu town.
Thousands of children to avoid being abducted by the LRA rebels, walk long distances at night to shelter in the safety. It is estimated that some 8,500 to 11,000 children commute every night from their villages to stay overnight only in Gulu town.
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