Raymond DAKOUA
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S’agit-il uniquement d’un stéréotype ou bien, comme c’est souvent le cas, il y a là une vérité ? Il faut reconnaître que partout où se mélangent des réalités différentes, qui se rencontrent et parfois entrent en conflit, là où la variété humaine gravée sur les visages de la foule métropolitaine frappe le regard du flâneur, voilà que la matière à observer et à esquisser s’offre spontanément au regard du photographe, exigeant presque à être fixée sur la pellicule. C’est comme ça que j’ai choisi, pour des raisons d’affinité culturelle, d’aller observer de près « Matongé », le quartier africain à Bruxelles. « Autre Monde » est aussi l’animation et reproduisant un style de vie importé de loin, qui se transforme dans l’adaptation au modèle occidental, il représente à mes yeux un objet de fascination.
Africa in Brussels
Is it only a stereotype or, as it is often the case, can we find some truth in it? One must admit that everywhere different realities are merging, realities that meet up and sometimes clash together, where human variety engraved on every metropolitan face strikes the wanderer’s look, there the “subjects” to be observed and portrayed are spontaneously offered to the photographer’s look, almost demanding to be fixed on the film. That is how I chose, for some reasons of cultural affinity, to go take a closer look at “Matongé”, the African district of Brussels. “Other World” is also about animation, and, recreating a life style brought from far away – but that transforms itself in the adaptation to the western world – it is an absolute fascination to my eyes.
Is it only a stereotype or, as it is often the case, can we find some truth in it? One must admit that everywhere different realities are merging, realities that meet up and sometimes clash together, where human variety engraved on every metropolitan face strikes the wanderer’s look, there the “subjects” to be observed and portrayed are spontaneously offered to the photographer’s look, almost demanding to be fixed on the film. That is how I chose, for some reasons of cultural affinity, to go take a closer look at “Matongé”, the African district of Brussels. “Other World” is also about animation, and, recreating a life style brought from far away – but that transforms itself in the adaptation to the western world – it is an absolute fascination to my eyes.
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