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Prise en étau entre l’insurrection Talibane et la répression du gouvernement, la liberté de la presse est mise à mal au Pakistan. Selon le dernier rapport de « Reporter Sans Frontières », il s’agit du pays où le plus grand nombre de reporters ont été assassinés en 2009. Massimo Berruti a suivi le travail de ces reporters, envoyés spéciaux, et présentateurs des chaînes d’infos en continu. Sur le terrain comme dans leurs studios, ces professionnels de l’information doivent chaque jour déjouer les pièges de la propagande militaire et Talibane, éviter les attaques physiques à leur devoir d’enquêter, et informer leurs concitoyens.
Under the pressure of the Taliban and the government repression, the freedom of the media is jeopardized in Pakistan. According to the last report of « Reporters without Borders », Pakistan is the country with the highest number of journalists killed in 2009. Massimo Berruti followed these reporters, correspondents, and stream newscasters. In the field as well as in the studios, these media workers must deal with the traps of military and Taliban propaganda, avoid physical attacks to their duty to investigate and inform the people of Pakistan.
Under the pressure of the Taliban and the government repression, the freedom of the media is jeopardized in Pakistan. According to the last report of « Reporters without Borders », Pakistan is the country with the highest number of journalists killed in 2009. Massimo Berruti followed these reporters, correspondents, and stream newscasters. In the field as well as in the studios, these media workers must deal with the traps of military and Taliban propaganda, avoid physical attacks to their duty to investigate and inform the people of Pakistan.
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