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Alexandrina est médecin. A 28 ans elle a décidé d’ouvrir un dispensaire à Bratila, petit village situé dans le nord de la Roumanie. Comme bon nombre de jeunes médecins de sa génération, elle souhaite aller vers les gens afin de leur donner un minimum d’éducation dans le domaine de la santé. Alexandrina est très aimée dans le village et beaucoup de gens de tous âges viennent la consulter. Le matin elle reçoit les habitants au dispensaire et l’après- midi elle se rend à pied dans les familles pour rencontrer les enfants et les personnes âgées qui ne peuvent pas se déplacer. Son action exemplaire permet notamment de prévenir un éventuel abandon d’enfant.
Free clinic in Bratilà,
MoldaviaAlexandrina is a doctor. At the age of 28, she decided to open a free clinic in Bratila, a little village situated in northern Romania. Like a number of young doctors of her generation, she wants to meet people and provide them with a bit of medical education. Alexandrina is loved in the village with people of all ages coming to get her advice. In the morning, she welcomes villagers whilst in the afternoon she visits families to meet with children and the elderly who can no longer move. Her action is exemplary and notably prevents young children from being abandoned.
Free clinic in Bratilà,
MoldaviaAlexandrina is a doctor. At the age of 28, she decided to open a free clinic in Bratila, a little village situated in northern Romania. Like a number of young doctors of her generation, she wants to meet people and provide them with a bit of medical education. Alexandrina is loved in the village with people of all ages coming to get her advice. In the morning, she welcomes villagers whilst in the afternoon she visits families to meet with children and the elderly who can no longer move. Her action is exemplary and notably prevents young children from being abandoned.
Caption: Alexandrina, country doctor in Romania.
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