Francesco ZIZOLA
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NÉ QUELQUE PART peint la vie des enfants dans 27 pays. Francesco Zizola a passé les 13 dernières années à documenter la situation des enfants dans le monde. En provenance de pays en proie à la guerre, comme l’Angola, le Soudan, l’Afghanistan et l’Irak, aux enfants-ouvriers au Brésil et en Indonésie, aux orphelins du Sida au Mozambique et au Kenya – De l’enfant aliéné de privilège au Japon, aux jeunes entrepreneurs et les acteurs de New York et Los Angeles.
BORN SOMEWHERE portrays the lives of children in 27 countries. Francesco Zizola has spent the last 13 years documenting the condition of children around the world. From countries racked with war, like Angola, the Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq, to child laborers in Brazil and Indonesia, to Aids orphans in Mozambique and Kenya – from the alienated children of privilege in Japan, to the young entrepreneurs and actors of New York and Los Angeles.
BORN SOMEWHERE portrays the lives of children in 27 countries. Francesco Zizola has spent the last 13 years documenting the condition of children around the world. From countries racked with war, like Angola, the Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq, to child laborers in Brazil and Indonesia, to Aids orphans in Mozambique and Kenya – from the alienated children of privilege in Japan, to the young entrepreneurs and actors of New York and Los Angeles.
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