Tant que le soleil brillera

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Ce reportage est une réflexion sur l’interface entre le changement climatique et l’héritage du régime colonial qui a fondé le Canada. Généralement considérée comme un événement qui s’est déroulé il y a plusieurs siècles, la colonisation des peuples autochtones du Canada est perçue, à tort, comme appartenant à un passé qui n’a plus d’impact sur notre avenir.
En réalité, le « lent génocide culturel» canadien continue aujourd’hui, avec le développement industriel qui détruit l’environnement de territoires ancestraux.



As Long as the Sun Shines

“As Long as the Sun Shines” explores the intersection of climate change and the legacy of settler colonialism on which Canada was founded. The colonization of the Indigenous peoples of Canada is usually seen as an event that occurred centuries ago, and is incorrectly contextualized in a past no longer related to our future. The truth is that Canada’s “slow-motion cultural genocide” still lives on in the form of environmental racism.

Industrial development of Indigenous territories, disguised as “economic opportunity,” has inflicted ecological damage on communities across Canada. After centuries of oppression, most of Canada’s First Nations are financially dependent on the federal government and suffer from multiple and inter-related social issues. The capacity of First Nations to stand up to industry is limited, and the legal system is biased against them. Communities which cooperate with industry receive economic benefits and greater powers to protect specific slivers of their territory. But the trade-off is bitter and far-reaching.




32e Festival International du photojournalisme VISA POUR L'IMAGE - 2020
Du 29/08/2020 au 27/09/2020
Couvent des Minimes
24 rue Rabelais
66000 Perpignan

Horaires : 10h00 / 20h00 - Entrée libre - Le port du masque est obligatoire. 10am / 8pm - Free entrance
Téléphone : +33 1 42 33 93 18