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In 2001, as part of an anthropological survey, I spent six weeks working with street children in Jogjakarta. I wanted to, through portraits of those involved in the project which reference police imagery, denounce the way in which they are perceived and treated: as delinquent outlaws. A series of colour photographs, taken by the children using throw away cameras, tell the story of a day in Gondomanan, the crossroads where they live. Drawings with comments describe in a different way their environment, state of mind and attachment to the street. Finally, my own photographs, in black and white, throw a new light on the everyday lives of these youngsters. I chose to confront different points of view and multiply the supports, wishing to question the documentary approach as well as the complexity of such a little known phenomenon.
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Pour Que l’Esprit Vive,
Association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique
Siège social
20 rue Lalande,
75014 Paris – France