L'oeuvre de l'abbé Pierre à travers le Monde


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Ce reportage propose d’aller à la découverte de ce qu’est devenu l’œuvre initiée par l’Abbé Pierre à travers le monde : l’aventure des communautés Emmaüs 50 ans après l’Hiver 54.


EMMAUS es una Fundación creada en 1949 por el Abate Pierre para socorrer a los indigentes y a los desesperados, ayudándolos a recobrar confianza y dignidad a través del trabajo en comunidad. Esta experiencia comenzó en Francia para extenderse luego en otros países del mundo. Este reportaje muestra las formas como estas comunidades se adaptan a las problemáticas y entornos de culturas y pueblos diferentes.


This report proposes to discover what became of the work started by Abbot Pierre across the world: the adventure of the Emmaus communites 50 years after the winter of 1954.


EMMAUS is a movement created in 1949 by Abbé Pierre (french abbot and deputy). The first community to help desperate people to recover dignity by the community work was founded in France and then the system spreaded all over the world on the step of Abbé Pierre travels. My work is to show how people from different cultures, environment and problems, as different as Tamil Indians, Spanish Harlem, Burkinabe, Favelados do Brazil or victims of the war in Libanon are able to work together, no matter they are Christians, muslims or Hindus. All of them are working under Abbé Pierre philosophy to recover dignity by the community work and to help poorest people then themselves.

Pays : Belgique, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Brésil, Burkina, États-Unis, France, Inde, Liban

Nombre de photos : 150